Reply to questions

The three interventions I chose for this 59-year-old client were drug rehabilitation, mental health counseling to deal with the loss of his wife and relationships with family, and therapy for his memory loss. This client is suffering from opioid addiction, along with memory loss, grieving the loss of his lifelong partner and wife, and may not have the support of his family. The client needs to find a new normal without her and he will need support to assist him in his recovery (Summers, 2016). The client is upset and acting out with a family member and having someone he may talk to that is neutral to his situation may work for him since he must find new normalcy. The negative to this intervention is that since he has been married for thirty-two years, and his wife may have handled everything in their marriage, coupled with his memory loss, he may be very lost without her and not interested in recovery or forming alliances with others for support.
The next intervention considered is a mental health counseling to aid in the client’s recovery and will take in all areas of the client’s life experiences and may help this client in his attempts to recover (Summers, 2016). This is a critical thinking approach to the client’s recovery, as he will need assistance to achieve the desired results (Summers, 2016). By utilizing all possibilities both his intrinsic needs and the community to reach this client and help him with his efforts of recovery. The client may be totally lost due to his wife’s death and not be able to handle this change very well.
The last intervention for this client is therapy for his memory loss and to encourage him that things can get better and with a support system, such as family who will help in time of need (Copeland, 2016). Optimally, if the client has a life line then he may feel encouraged to overcome his hurdles, no matter his circumstances. Hopefully, this client has a forgiving family and they will work with him through these difficulties of addiction, memory loss, and losing his wife. The negative side to this intervention is that the client is unable to regain his hope after losing his wife, he family offers little support, and his grief is so acute, that he loses his desire to liveThe post Reply to questions first appeared on .Reply to questions was first posted on February 16, 2024 at 5:33 am.©2019 " ". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected]