You are going to take a trip to New York city for two weeks. You have a budget of US$7,000. Create…

You are going to take a trip to New York city for two weeks. You have a budget of US$7,000. Create a project plan for the journey.
For example, the list of tasks (work packages) might include such things as research flights and book flights. The key to building the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), which is the basis of a project plan, is to get enough detail to manage the activities, but not so much as to require excessive time in measuring the actual. Download the WBS Template and use it for Unit 3 & 4 DQ’s.
DQ #1 – Build a WBS for the case study. Download the template and case study from the course page. Build a list of activities (work packages in the PMBOK), just do the activity descriptions for this assignment. Use verbs and nouns like “Design Building” or “Write Code” when describing activities. You need enough detail to manage the project, but not too much. Save this as we will use it for the next few activities (75 points)
DQ #2 – Estimate for all the WBS work packages. Use the WBS from Unit 3-1. Fill in all of the columns except for Actual, Deviation, and the risk columns to the far right. Save this as we will use it for the next few activities (75 points)