What is Organizational Culture? – Nursing Essay Tutors

In conclusion, Walmart is a perfect example of a an organizational culture that has grown vastly from its success. It began with the founder of Walmart having certain ideals and goals in mind that related to the core values it holds true to the company. We have gone over the breakdown and understanding of what an organizational culture really is, which helps to correlate how Walmart in itself is one. We have gone over how acknowledging issues that could arise in organizational cultures is crucial and can be a proactive step in preventing them. Understanding what core values are also plays a strong role in companies, because they model how employees should behave at all times within the work place. Lastly, we even went over two organizational culture theories that many organizations have adopted, and how they play a role within companies. Overall, while issues may arise within organizations, there are always a way to solve them so long as you understand the structure and reasoning behind them.

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Matsumoto, D., & Juang, L. (2013). Culture and psychology (5th Ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
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Founder quote: Walmart. (2017). Walmart. Retrieved from http://help.walmart.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/6/~/walmart.coms-history-and-mission
Walmart’s Values Screen Shots: Walmart Company. (2017). Walmart. Retrieved from http://corporate.walmart.com/our-story/working-at-walmart