Technical Communication Request for Proposal Discussion

Technical Communication Request for Proposal Discussion

I need this paper for my online discussion post for technical communication course. I ordered two pages and there is going to be two different parts. The first part (250 or more words) I will use it as my first discussion post and the second part (250 or more words) I will use it for my second post. Please submit the two different parts to me in different files.

Our discussion this week is about RFP’s and proposals.

Background info about RFP’s

When an organization disseminates a description of the work it wants done, this document is usually called a request for proposal (RFP) or a statement of work (SOW). The soliciting organization may send selected companies an RFP/SOW that includes completed specifications of the work desired. Alternatively, the soliciting organization may first describe the needed work in general terms and invite interested firms to submit their qualifications (Figure 9-1). This type of request is usually called a request for qualifications (RFQ) . . . In short, each aspect of the solicitation process, from the RFQ to the RFP/SOW, has an appropriate use, but one or more of them is necessary to initiate action on a project. In response to an RFP, an organization will submit a proposal in the hopes of being chosen to do the work proposed in the proposal.

For the first part, choose one RFP from the list below and answer the question “what kind of work do you see the document doing?” You would have to write an analysis and assess this work by using relevant information from the textbook that I’m going to upload. In your analysis you can also talk about the elements that the RFP you chose might lack if you see something missing that could of make it better. Pages you need to check out from the textbook are: “Checklist for Developing Proposals and Progress Reports” (pp. 270-71), and checklists, such as “The Qualities of Good Technical Writing” (p. 8), the “Style Checklist” (p. 74), and the “Document Design Checklist” (pp. 108-09).

Another very important thing is that you would have to take one or two screenshots from the RFP’s example you chose and incorporate in your analysis to use it as an evidence and show what you are talking about. ( For instance, you can write your analysis and say “see figure … ” in parenthesis and upload your screenshot below). Please don’t forget the screenshot it is mandatory to support your analysis.

For the second part, You choose one proposal below instead of RFP, then you answer the same question as the first part “what kind of work do you see the document doing?” and you asses the work just like the first part using information from the textbook (check the pages I mentioned above) and don’t forget one or two screenshots as well on this second part to support your analysis.

RFP’s and Proposals to choose from for the two discussion posts:

RFPs: Hawai’i Tourism Authority , Center for Planning Excellence, The Global Fund

Proposals: Mercer, Goold Health Systems

Background info about proposals

In response to an RFP, an organization will submit a proposal in the hopes of being chosen to do the work proposed in the proposal. On pg. 239, the textbook explain,

Proposals generally include three main divisions: a summary, a main body, and attachments. The main body focuses on the three main parts of the proposals; the proposal’s objectives … methods for achieving objectives …, and project cost … Proposals vary, but you will see the following segments embedded in some way:

  • Project summary
  • Project description
    • Introduction
    • Rationale and significance
    • Plan of Work
      • Scope
      • Methods
      • Task breakdown
      • Problem analysis
    • Facilities and equipment
  • Personnel
  • Budget
  • Conclusion
  • Appendices