CJL2062 USC Advocating For Private Prisons Response

CJL2062 USC Advocating For Private Prisons Response

Advocates of private prisons argue that private prisons lower costs and improve quality by introducing competition, and so are more efficient.

Do you agree with this?

Students should submit a response paper. The paper should be two pages, double spaced, size 12 font, Times New Roman. These reflections should briefly summarize and synthesize the week’s readings (at most a paragraph), and then offer critique and discussion points. The summary should be short, around a paragraph. The bulk of the paper should offer the student’s critique. In critiquing the week’s readings, students should address the extent to which they do or do not believe that private prisons lower costs and improve quality. Student should, as far as possible, bridge the week’s readings with other readings from the class or other external literature.