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Historically some groups have tended to support one major party or another

Discussion_Pod-05 ( two pages discussions ) Note: 4 references.
Note: 4 references
Race and the American Political Process II
Historically some groups have tended to support one major party or another. Some of these patterns have not been as reliable over the past 20 years. What changes (political, partisan, economic, or social) have occurred since the 1980s that have influenced some of the voting behaviors among Latinos, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, etc.? What issues of importance today will continue to change voters’ preferences? Why?

Race and the American Political Process
To analyze the role of race and value of race in the American political process.
Required Reading
Burnham, Linda. “Changing the Race: Racial Politics and the Election of Barack Obama.” Applied Research Center, 2009, http://www.arc.org/downloads/RaceElections_1_R5.pdf (access August 15, 2012).
Geron, Kim. Latino Political Power (Chapter 1), 2005, https://www.rienner.com/uploads/47d95c121b7c3.pdf(accessed July 12, 2012).
Huntington, Samuel P. “The Hispanic Challenge.” Foreign Policy,
(March 1, 2004), http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2004/03/01/
the_hispanic_challenge (accessed August 2, 2012).
Johnson, Kevin. “Law and Politics in Post-Modern California Coalition or Conflict Between African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latina/os?” Ethnicities, 4, no. 3 (2004): 381-401, http://www.sagepub.com/healeystudy5/articles/Ch11/ LawandpoliticsinCA.pdf (accessed August 4, 2012).
Birnbaum, Jeffrey. “Number of Black Lobbyists Remains Shockingly Low.” The Washington Post, August 7, 2006, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/06/AR2006080600503.html(accessed July 18, 2012).

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