Tag Archive for: Maui

In 1980, Robert King founded King Diesel on the island of Maui in Hawaii.

In 1980, Robert King founded King Diesel on the island of Maui in Hawaii.

In 1980, Robert King founded King Diesel on the island of Maui in Hawaii. The company used conventional diesel fuel to run the generators at the Central Maui Landfill, but in 1995, King became concerned at the large amounts of used cooking oil being dumped. He contacted Daryl Reece at the University of Idaho. Reece helped develop a process that successfully converted used restaurant oils into biodiesel fuel. Together they founded Pacific Biodiesel, using biodiesel to run the generators at the landfill in one of America’s first commercially viable, community-based biodiesel plants. Today Pacific Biodiesel and its associated companies produce and sell biodiesel fuel and design, build, and support biodiesel plants around the country. Biodegradable and nontoxic, biodiesel fuel can be used in any diesel engine. It is produced from renewable resources such as cooking oil and soybean oil, which would otherwise be dumped in landfills or down drains. Biodiesel significantly cuts down on many pollutants and reduces dependence on foreign oil. On Maui, restaurants pay haulers to take their used cooking oil to the landfill. The haulers pay the county of Oahu for the right to dump garbage at waste facilities. Pacific Biodiesel’s facility at the landfill is rent free. The haulers’ fees cover most of the county’s payment to Pacific Biodiesel for processing the waste. Shipping this waste off island would be much more expensive; recycling it prolongs the useful life of the landfills and guarantees a local source of energy. On Maui alone, Pacific Biodiesel recycles about 200,000 gallons of oil and grease each year. King says, “We definitely took a leap of faith, but . . . we wanted to do more . . . something to contribute to society. . . . [I]t is important to do . . . something that brings you happiness—because the feeling you get by ‘doing the right thing’ never disappears.”
Questions for Critical Thinking
1. How might Pacific Biodiesel spread the message that recycling is good business as well as good for the environment? How might it reach out to other industries?
2. How does Pacific Biodiesel fulfill its responsibilities to the general public?
Sources: Company Web site, http://biodiesel.com/, accessed February 2010; “Food to Fuel: Pacific Biodiesel, Inc.,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, http://www.epa.gov/; Deidre Tegarden, “Pacific Biodiesel,” Maui Weekly, November 26, 2009, http://www.mauiweekly.com.