Tag Archive for: Facility

Designing a clinic facility

Open the template you chose from week one in MedSpace®. From that point, you will be able to modify the template and add the information listed below.
Using your MedSpace® template, focus on the following environmental design elements:

The health care structure such as walls, doors, hallways, waiting areas, and related structural components
Diagnostic and treatment space equipment and location
Customer service and amenities, such as the reception desk, bathroom, shower, vending machine, and so forth
Clinical support areas, such as nurse’s station, charting areas, and so forth
Physician or dentist office space for patient consultation
Administrative offices
Building support, such as laundry, generator facilities, housekeeping, and so forth
Mechanical equipment, such as space for laboratory equipment, radiology equipment, gases such as oxygen, and suctions
Color and noise elements
Regulatory elements such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration and ADA guidelines
Other elements such as IT or creative healing environmental ideas

Save your design once it is completed.
Copy the URL by clicking on Share > Copy URL > Copy URL.
The MedSpace requires a login, which I will give you. If you want to take a look first then message me and you can look at what you will have to do before bidding.
The post Designing a clinic facility first appeared on Nursing School Essays.