Powerpoint Presentation – Operations and Supply Chain

Powerpoint Presentation – Operations and Supply Chain

You are to prepare a powerpoint presentation of the materials in chapters 14 – 18. Your presentation should cover all important points covered in these chaprers. Presentation can be a maximum of two pages per chapter for a total of ten pages.
Note from professor:
Just to make sure we all understand the requirements for the powerpoint presentation, here are the guidelines: Your presentation must be on chapters 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18. You are to provide 2 slides per chapter if needed, for a total of 10 slides. You can add 2 additional slides….one for your title slide and another for your references, if necessary. Hope this clarifies the assignment. Thanks.
Other information:
I have attached the powerpoint presentation for each of the 5 chapters, so you only have to narrow it down to 2 slides. I am also putting below the textbook citation for you to include in the additional reference page. Thanks
Jacobs, F. R., & Chase, R. B. (2011). Operations and supply chain management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.