polluting of water, environmental science homework help

polluting of water, environmental science homework help

To prepare for this Assignment:

Review the many causes of water pollution and the rate at which humans accelerate the causes of water pollution.
Consider the ways in which water quality control personnel analyze water for the presence of pollution.
Reflect on water conservation methods that citizens can reasonably employ during a pollution cleanup effort.

The Assignment:

Imagine you are a water manager for a growing urban area in which the local water supply has become polluted and is in short supply.
Compose a 500-word essay in which you do the following:

Identify sources of possible water pollution in the urban environment. Assess the immediate damage these sources cause to the local environment and ecosystems, as well as the long-term damage if the pollution is left unchecked.
Evaluate different recommendations that you, as the plant manager, can make to citizens to reduce water pollution. Rank your ideas in order of difficulty to implement. Explain how citizens might put each of your recommendations to use in the short term to help clean up the water supply.
Next, address ways to make the water supply safe for consumption. For each idea, evaluate the cost and approximate length of time required to restore the water supply to safe levels. Cite any sources you use to support your ideas, as a plant manager would do in making a report.