PMLS Group : Project Management – Management Assignment PMLS GROUP An investment company who wish to

PMLS Group : Project Management – Management Assignment
An investment company who wish to re – launch Carillion under a new name after recently buying the business has recently appointed you but they have concerns over the problems that caused Carillion’s share price to fall.
Your assignment is to write a report on the prospective New Carillion as a project – considering what is likely to go well and what not so well. Your report should therefore focus on the project management aspects including the keyrisks e.g. loss of money and overrunning its schedule and not meeting the performance requirements expected from a project of this type You will need to produce a detailed business case and project plan, and any recommendations to the Project Board that you consider appropriate. You may want to use some of the sub-headings below, but that is entirely up to your team, this is not a template.