Personality Assignment for the Final Exam

Personality Assignment for the Final Exam

Personality Assignment for the Final Exam

First, I want you to list 10 of your “positive traits” (those you consider to be good qualities in yourself). Then I want you to list 5 of your “negative traits” (those that you might not like about yourself [e.g., bossy, messy, unorganized])
Second, I want you to ask someone else who knows you well what he or she thinks are 5 of your “positive traits” and 5 of your “negative traits”. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GET ANGRY WITH THEM.
Third, I want you to compare the two lists. Are they similar or are there differences? Sometimes, other people see us differently than we see ourselves.
Fourth, I want you to look at the traits and see which ones you think are inherited (genetics) and which ones you think are learned. Did you get them from your biological mother or father (nature) or do you think that you learned them from (nurture).
This must be typed and only 1 page long (12 font). Make sure to put your name on it.