Part 1 Explain why you can use an antibiotic to halt either the process of replication or transcription in the bacteria causing the infection but not…

June 9, 2021/in Science Assignment Help /by admin
Part 1 Explain why you can use an antibiotic to halt either the process of replication or transcription in the bacteria causing the infection but not harm the person taking the antibiotic. Choose either the antibiotic “ciprofloxacin” or “rifampicin” and briefly describe how it is able to inhibit a genetic process.
Identifying, developing, and manufacturing a new antibiotic takes time and money. Do you think that scientists will be able to produce new types of antibiotics in the future? Why or why not?
Bacteria are able to easily share genes including those that code for resistance to antibiotics. “Cipro” has recently gained notoriety because it is an antibiotic that is able to prevent the growth of Bacillus anthracis. Provide your thoughts on how important it is to try to limit the spread of antibiotic resistance.
What would resistance to antibiotics mean to the future of medicine?
How can you stop the spread of antibiotic resistance? Is this an individual or societal problem?

Part 2

Antibiotics are not just administered to people. Antibiotics are commonly mixed with food and water and administered to livestock. These antibiotics include antibiotics of the class fluoroquinolones that includes “ciprofloxacin”. This means that you may be exposing yourself to antibiotics every day. Consider this use of antibiotics in meat. You will need to assume the role of consumer, scientist, and legislator and provide a short description of how each person is involved and impacted by this process.
You will be assigned the following roles based on your last name. Those with last names beginning with A – I will be a consumer advocate, J-R will be a scientist and S-Z will be a legislator. Consumer Advocate – You are a concerned consumer who wants to know more about meat treated with sub-therapeutic levels of antibiotics. As a concerned citizen your main concern is…
Scientist – You are a world-renowned scientist from a major university. You have been asked to assess the risks and benefits of antibiotics used in our food chain from a scientist’s point of view for an upcoming conference. Your main belief is…
Legislator – You are a very powerful legislator on the Food and Agriculture Committee in Washington, D.C. You have the ability to impact this situation how…


admin2021-06-09 03:56:402024-03-14 13:41:16Part 1 Explain why you can use an antibiotic to halt either the process of replication or transcription in the bacteria causing the infection but not…

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