In life, a personal code of ethics can be used to guide you through the decision-making process. Whe

In life, a personal code of ethics can be used to guide you through the decision-making process. Whe

In life, a personal code of ethics can be used to guide you through the decision-making process. When a situation arises and a tough choice has to be made, your personal code of ethics is what you will use to help you come to a final decision. It is a written reminder of what you believe and a motivator for why you do what you do.
Use the following questions as a guide in forming your Personal Code of Ethics.
1. Who do I think I am?
2. What do I believe is important in life?
3. How do I relate to (get along with) others?
4. Why do I believe the things that I do?
5.Purpose: Why am I writing this? Think about why you are writing this code of ethics. Are you doing this just because it is an assignment? If you have to do it anyway, what can you get out of it for yourself? Are you doing this to inspire yourself? Are you doing this to change your actions or the way you do things?
6.Aspirations: This is your best self – the best you are right now and how you would like to become.
7. Why I Hold the Personal Expectations I Do; “walk” with your “talk.”