IMC plan for red bull, marketing assignment help

IMC plan for red bull, marketing assignment help

Identify the Brand in the Topic Proposal

Select a brand.-red bull
Describe the brand and underlying brand concept (the brand concept for Disney has been described as family magic—every product, service, and promotional tool must fit with this).
What is the brand problem that needs to be solved (e.g., increase awareness)?
Target market—What is the profile of the typical customer (demographics, lifestyle, usage pattern)?<—- Ive done this part already

The IMC Plan ——-(start here )

Corporate growth objectives
Analysis of the promotional program situation
Communications goals and objectives
Budget determination
Overview of IMC promotional mix
Monitoring, evaluating, and controlling the IMC process

Promotional Mix: Each promotional mix tool and campaign requires an objective, a budget, a message strategy, a media plan, and artwork.

Internet marketing
Direct marketing
Sales promotion
Public relations

Final Report: Students will incorporate the rough drafts of the IMC plan and individual campaigns, as well as any feedback, and revise, edit, and proofread a final report. References will be provided in APA format.
PowerPoint: Students will provide a 10- to 15-slide PowerPoint presentation.

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