If you don’t yet have signifi cant work experience but still want to become a valued network…

If you don’t yet have signifi cant work experience but still want to become a valued network…

 If you don’t yet have signifi cant work experience but still want to become a valued network member, which of the following tactics should you consider?
a. Limit your networking to people whose work experience is similar to yours so that you can share similar information.
b. Create a convenient, foldable, business-card-size version of your résumé that you can give to everyone you meet so they don’t have to carry a full-size copy of your résumé
 c. Avoid networking until you have enough work experience to be able to offer insider tips on the job market in your industry.
d. Research recent trends in the business world in order to have interesting and useful information at your fingertips whenever you encounter people in your network.