HIT 2040 Project | bestnursingtutor.com

HIT 2040 Project | bestnursingtutor.com

The project follows the presentation of the content in Chapter 11 Presentation of Data.
Chapter 11 is a relatively standalone chapter and could be read out of chronological order. Read Chapter 11 first. The project is creating a Cancer Registry Report.

The instruction document provides the information and data that you will need to complete the report.
You will be designing graphs. If you need to review brush up on ‘how-to’ this website has some tutorials on how to make a chart or graph in using Excel. This is just one of MANY tutorials out there. Use what suits your learning best. https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/how-to-build-excel-graph
A rubric will be posted in this folder by Week 11.
The project is worth 50 points.

This document can be used as a resource and additional practice before completing the project. Additional Examples_HIT 2040 project resource.pdf
HT 2040 Project Cancer Registry Report v1.pdf Clarification: Some of the requirements state, ex: f. Page 9… ” (ask the student to choose an appropriate one)” this was a note for me (instructor) and I forgot to revise it on the final copy. My apologies. What it means is that the student should prepare an appropriate graph (bar, link, pie, scatter diagram, etc) that will best describe and display the information.
Project Rubric
HIT 2040 project rubric_2017(1).pdf