Group Project Business Coursework 1 pages/275 words 3 sources apa format due in the next 6 hours

Group Project Business Coursework 1 pages/275 words 3 sources apa format due in the next 6 hours

Your team has been hired to create a �modern� virtual collaborative environment for a multinational corporation. You are shown a conference room that has a 10-year-old speakerphone in the middle of a conference table and a video projector hanging from the ceiling point to a white board. You are also told that there are three other conference rooms identical to this, each in a different country. Your assignment is to design a modern collaborative conference room, and to recommend laptops and software for individuals that enable effective daily collaboration. I have to complete this portion: Create a list of documents that need to be created so that the procedures for operating the new equipment are understood by all users. These are the things we decided to use: I have also e-mailed a file of the software we will use. 
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