Examine the social construction of Health and Illness

sociology of health

Sociology of health
1500 words
Assessment criteria:
1.1 Evaluate definitions of Health and Illness
1.2 Examine the social construction of Health and Illness
Define the Health and Illness with REFERENCE to the social constructions of health and illness 1-( CONRAD AND BARKER 2011) 2-TALCOTT PARSONS “SICK ROLE” versus the biomedical model (COULD USE EXAMPLE OF MENTAL ILLNESS AS EVALUATION)
2.1 Examine recent data on the distribution of health with REFERENCE to a variety of social factors.
2.2 Examine the social constructions of health and illness.
· Use as up to date data as you can find.
· Look at the unequal distribution of health, illness and access to healthcare for at least two social factors: class, gender or ethnicity
· You can refer to the social pattern of mental illness
Include the explanations for differences in inequalities in health: use the table which references: cultural/behavioural; materialist and psych-social explanations
3.1 Apply at least three sociological perspectives to the unequal distribution of health and healthcare:
· Marxist
· Pluralist
· Structuralist