Ethical theory application 1 answer below »

Ethical theory application 1 answer below »

Assignment Topic Assignment 1
Due Date:
Value: Topic:
Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013 (6:00pm) by Moodle assignment drop box and a hard copy to mailbox #12, building 6, level B.
Late assignments will be penalised.
Please put your tutor’s name and your tutorial time on your cover page along with your own name and student id number (a cover page is on Moodle).
2200 words (including in-text references which must be used, but excluding the end reference list). No additional leeway; penalties for over 2200 words apply. Please use double spacing, 12 pt font and allow a wide margin.
30% of total available marksEthical theory and its application to the case study:The Auto Companies
in China(see below)
Students are to demonstrate a sound understanding of the ethical theories and concepts covered in the topics listed below and their relevance to the case study below.
Read the case,The Auto Companies in China(see below or page 348 of your textbook).
Firstly, explain and discuss each of the five theories listed above. Secondly, use each of these theories to highlight ethical issues that need to be addressed in responding to the question:
Was it wrong for the car companies to help China expand its auto industry?
Finally, what conclusions can you draw about business ethics in theory and practice?
(It is recommended that you integrate the application into the theory section of your essay, eg after explaining and discussing utilitarianism, immediately discuss ethics issues regarding the case from a utilitarian perspective, rather than having all the application at the end of the essay. However, either way is an option.)
1.Utilitarianism2.Kantiandeontology3.Justice(3aRawlsand3bNozick) 4.Rights5.Normativeethicalrelativism.
16 of 49
Notes: This is a major piece of assessment which will require sustained reading,
reflection and writing. It is strongly recommended that you commence your assignment in Week 1 of the teaching period and consistently develop it as each topic is covered on a week-by-week basis. Failure to prepare is to be prepared to fail!
Your essay must demonstrate a sound understanding of each of the ethical theories and their application to business practice. Be sure to weight your word limit in line with the marking allocation shown on the feedback sheet.
Your application of theory to business practice must demonstrate strong skills in analysis. Application or using ethical theory to identify ethics issues requires more than simply stating, for example, increased pollution.
You are expected to conform to high standards of literacy and academic practice, including literature research and full documentation of sources. This means you must use references in your essay and you must cite those references both in the text and in an end reference list. Failure to do so is likely to result in a failed paper. Please use the author-date method which is explained in this Companion (pp28-30). Be sure to express the ideas you read about in your own words, but acknowledge their source by citing the reference. Av direct quotes as they do not demonstrate to the marker your understanding of the concepts and reading material. Direct quotes attract no marks.
High standards of literacy means that your paragraphs should be well developed (not one sentence!). If you do not know how to construct a paragraph or essay, then please visit the Academic Skills Centre(see If you do not know how to access electronic journals, please see the library staff for a training session.
Your essay should have a brief introduction (an introduction should be more than a summary in the future tense) and a solid conclusion (note a conclusion is not a summary in the past tense). The conclusion can relate back to the introduction. See page 26 of this Companion.
Do not waste words by simply restating sections from the case article. Your essay will be checked for plagiarism. Plagiarised essays will
receive a mark of zero and will be referred to the Faculty Associate Dean.