Engineering & Ethics | Nursing School Essays

Engineering & Ethics | Nursing School Essays

Engineering & Ethics
1.  How does the line-drawing approach help solve ethical problems and limit the risk on projects? (Approximately 2 paragraphs).
2.  How does working with a team cause potential ethical problems? How can these issues be limited and avoided? (Approximately 2 paragraphs).
3.  What makes engineering a true profession? What are the reasons of engineering not being considered to be the same level as medicine and law? (Approximately 2 paragraphs).
4.  Why is analyzing a case study central to ethical problem solving? What benefits does this analysis provide? (Approximately 2 paragraphs).
5.  Is the problem solving approach presented in this course similar or different from the engineering problem solving approach? Explain how and why it is different or similar? (Approximately 2 paragraphs).