Discussion: Confronting Eating Disorders Follow your teacher’s instructions to make the following discussion entry. (15 points) This discussion is on…

Discussion: Confronting Eating Disorders
Follow your teacher’s instructions to make the following discussion entry. (15 points)
This discussion is on confronting eating disorders. First you need to assess if you have eating disorder tendencies.Go to the NEDA website at http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/online-eating-disorder-screening then select to take the anonymous screening.
Include answers to the following questions in your discussion/reflection activity.
What was your overall reaction to the statements on the screening? What were some statements that you didn’t think were risks for an eating disorder, that really are risk behaviors? Describe if you or anyone else that you know ever had or are currently struggling with an eating disorder? Who is (or was) responsible for intervention and how did they do it? How would you approach a friend or family member who you suspected has an undiagnosed eating disorder?