Discuss tow differences between inpatient and outpatient coding.Discuss coding for obstetrics in relation to the global fee for antepartum and postpartum periods of a normal pregnancy.

Discuss tow differences between inpatient and outpatient coding.Discuss coding for obstetrics in relation to the global fee for antepartum and postpartum periods of a normal pregnancy.ICD-10 CM CODE:
Discuss tow differences between inpatient and outpatient coding.Discuss coding for obstetrics in relation to the global fee for antepartum and postpartum periods of a normal pregnancy.
Part B. Answer each of the question in one to four sentences.
What is the difference between Excludes1 and Excludes2 notes in the ICD-10?As a hospital outpatient coder, how would you explain evaluation and management to a health information technology intern?What are the three type of wound repair, and what must be documented to code them?How do the types of immunization differ?A patient with a preexisting diagnosis of congestive heart failure was seen in the emergency room for treatment of pneumonia and admitted to the hospital where they discovered the patient was again in congestive heart failure. What guidelines apply to coding these diagnoses, which one would be the principal diagnosis, and why?General Anesthesia is provided for a patient undergoing an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Discuss why Current Procedural Terminology codes are used for anesthesia. Who assigns an anesthesia code? What guidelines apply to coding these diagnoses, which one would be the principal diagnosis, and why?A patient has a five-year history of diabetes mellitus. The patient is admitted to the hospital due to insulin pump malfunction. Discuss the ICD-10-CM coding guidelines for underdoing and overdosing of insulin due to insulin pump malfunction.What are some of the problems associated with modifiers- 51 and -59?Explain how evaluation and management (E/M Codes are grouped.A 10-year-old patient is admitted for multiple injuries after begin hit by a car while riding his bike. Discuss the coding guidelines for reporting injuries.

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