Describe for us a leadership situation you witnessed over the last week.

Describe for us a leadership situation you witnessed over the last week.

Describe for us a leadership situation you witnessed over the last week.  Please let us know if you thought it was successful or not.
The sole purpose of healthcare facilities is to provide personalized help to patients. Nevertheless, this primary objective becomes difficult to achieve whenever the medical team, particularly doctors and nurses, are clashing over power, responsibility and knowledge (Perzynski, Shick & Adebambo, 2019). In this one particular hospital, this is exactly what one would observe. Often times, such disparities occur due to incompetence of the managerial team.It was therefore impressive when one leader from the managerial team noticed this and took up the responsibility to attempt to put an end to the conflict or at least reduce the discrepancies between the doctors and nurses. He called a meeting between the two parties and dictated rules of equality to both parties through a democratic policy.In my opinion, this was indeed a success. This is because, when the leader took the initiative to call a meeting, he portrayed command and control, a trait that should be in any individual who assumes any leadership role (Maccoby, 2013). More so, the meeting enabled the two parties to speak freely in a bid to determine the root cause of the problem. This provided a platform for the two parties to air their grievances and agree to a solution.The leader also portrayed his ability to resolve conflicts in the hospital. He did not turn a blind eye to the issue in which the nurses had been feeling undermined due to the misconception that nurses are lower in the healthcare hierarchy. This theory is now behind the times. It is therefore justified to say that the display of leadership changed the situation since after that week of observation, doctors and nurses were seen working together as a team and not an employee-subject kind of relationship. Nurses were now at liberty to express their views and voice their demands without being disregarded. In addition to this, the leader leads by example and would do as they had agreed upon.
ReferencesMaccoby, M. (2013). Transforming health care leadership: a systems guide to improve patient care, decrease costs, and improve population health. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Brand.Perzynski, A., Shick, S. & Adebambo, I. (2019). Health disparities: weaving a new understanding through case narratives. Cham: Springer.