Community Health Nursing M1D4

Strengthen Your Knowledge of EBP

Review the following website:

Then answer the following questions:

How did the information you got from the website contribute to your knowledge of EBP?
How might this information influence your use of EBP in your clinical practice?

Be sure to clearly indicate which article you read in your answer.
Your response should be 50 – 100 words.
Please respond to at least one (1) of your classmates.

You will be graded as follows:

Complete answer(s) to prompt(s) using standard English grammar and spelling; length of post complies with directions; and references are cited as per directions

Response to one classmate using standard English grammar and spelling; references are cited per directions. Your comment(s) must be substantial. Do not just stay “I agree” or “Good point”.

Response to one more classmate using standard English grammar and spelling; references are cited per directions. Your comment(s) must be substantial. Do not just stay “I agree” or “Good point”.


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