​Choose 2 of the following questions AND complete question 3

Choose 2 of the following questions AND complete question 3. Each answer is worth 25 points. Be sure to properly reference each answer and compile the information and research in essay form. Note- you may not pick your own lecture topic) YOU MUST REFERNCE your topic properly ( APA or MLA) with internal documentation.
Choose 1
50 points

This semester we have heard discussion of how procedures we used to perform ( back boarding, standard CPR techniques, etc) are no longer the best way to provide medical care. We find out this information by practicing evidence-based medicine.

Define evidence based medicine- when it became popular, who are its advocates, and how does it impact the future of EMS
Using one of the examples from this semester ( not your own) describe the history, of the device or procedure, how it used to be used, and how evidence based practiced changed the way it is currently used.

Choose one of the following procedures common to emergency care. Describe when it was first used, and how it has changed though evidence based practices.

Define evidence based medicine- when it became popular, who are its advocates, and how does it impact the future of EMS
Choose to write on the history of one of the following:

The EMTALA legislation of 1986 forever changed how pre-hospital care would be impacted. Answer to following questions

What is EMTALA?
How was EMTALA implemented?
How has EMTALA impacted Emergency Departments?
How has EMTALA impacted pre-hospital care?
What changes would you suggest improve the EMTALA legislation
In it’s current implementation, do you feel EMTALA is mostly harmful or mostly beneficial?

i.High flow Oxygen in all patients
ii.Use of Pneumatic Anti Shock Garments ( PASG or MAST)

iii.Cervical Collars
Mandatory question 100 points