global climate change and health

global climate change and health

The environment (both home and physical) has a significant influence on health. You also read about the ramifications of global climate change on health. For the purpose of this Assignment, consider the implications of global climate change on health now and in the future.Assignment requirementAPA 7th edWrite a 3- to 5-page paper that addresses the following:Describe two health care concerns  related to global climate change. Included information about why this concern is important to the US and, if left unchecked, what the result will be. Described what the US is doing to combat these problems, if anything.Topics could include increased exposure to vectors that transmit Zika, West Nile virus, or       malaria; respiratory problems; food distribution problems due to drought  or lack of water; or heat-related illness.Compare concerns in the United States related to these topics with one developed and one developing country.  Included information about why this concern is important to them and, if left unchecked, what the result will be. Described interventions about what this country is doing to combat these problems, if anything.Describe health promotion/health protection strategies a nurse could implement. Described 2–3 health promotion strategies public health nurses might implement to help mitigate concerns of global climate change?Support your ideas with references from the professional nursing literature.