Basic Java Method Headers – Best Nursing Tutor

Basic Java Method Headers – Best Nursing Tutor

Java’s Math class contains a static method called sqrt.
Use the sqrt method to create another method called testSquareRoot, which is passed two ints called x and y as parameters and returns true if the square root of x is greater than y, and returns false otherwise.
Example: (100,3) -> trueExample: (100,30) -> false
Assume that the Math class is not imported. This means that you must specify the name of the class and use the dot operator when you include the sqrt method in your code (e.g., Math.sqrt(1234)).
public boolean testSquareRoot(int x, int y){
// the code should go here
} // end method……………………………………
Write a public method called eqTest, which is passed three ints as parameters and returns true if the first two sum to the value of the third. Otherwise the method should return false.
Example: 2 5 7 –> trueExample: 2 6 9 –> false
Note that in this example you must write a complete method, including the method header line.
Write a public method called doubleWord, which is passed a String as a parameter and which returns the input parameter concatenated with itself– a String value.
Example: –>
Note that in this example you must write a complete method, including the method header line.………………………………………….
Write a public method called largerStr, which is passed two Strings, s1 and s2, and returns true if s1 is strictly longer than s2, false otherwise.
Example: largerStr(, ) –> falseExample: largerStr(, ) –> trueExample: largerStr(, ) –> false
public boolean largerStr (String s1, String s2) {
// java code shoud go here
} // end method……………………………………
Write a public method called sumNumbers, which is passed a positive int as a parameter and returns the sum of the positive numbers that are less than or equal to the supplied int.
Example: 5 –> 15 since (5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1) = 15Example: 3 –> 6 since (3 + 2 + 1) = 6
Note that in this example you must write a complete method, including the method header line.
The paste method is passed three String parameters. It concatenates the three strings together and returns the result.
Write the code in the box below that will implement this method.
public static String paste (String s1, String s2, String s3) {
// java code shoud go here
}//end paste
check the answer from (string, boolean,char, void,int,double)
Construct the method header for the printMaxOfThree method, which is passed three integers and prints the max of the three on the screen. Use the pull-down menus to make appropriate type or class selections.public ( String,boolean,char,void,int,double) printMaxOfThree ( String,boolean,char,void,int,double a , String,boolean,char,void,int,double b , String,boolean, char, void,int, double c )
Build a header for the printIntegersBetween method, which is passed two integers and then prints all of the integers between the two.
public (String,boolean,char,void,int,double) printIntegersBetween ( String,boolean,char,void,int,double a, String,boolean,char,void,int,double b )……………………………………
Suppose you see the following method call in someone’s code:
double r = getNumberBetween(2.3,2.1,3.7);
Build an appropriate header line for getNumberBetween.
public (String,boolean,char,void,int,double) getNumberBetween ( String,boolean,char,void,int,double a, String,boolean,char,void,int,double b, String,boolean,char,void,int,double c )
For this problem, build a header line for a method called isAVowel, which is passed two parameters, a String and an integer, and then returns true if the character at the integer position in the String is a vowel. Otherwise the method should return false.
public (String,boolean,char,void,int,double) is AVowel ( String,boolean,char,void,int,double a, String,boolean,char, void,int,double b )