Analyze the concept of patients’ rights, and ascertain the key concerns of physicians and nurses as they apply to patients with AIDS.

Analyze the concept of patients’ rights, and ascertain the key concerns of physicians and nurses as they apply to patients with AIDS.
This week’s instructor insights include two articles on patient rights in an international context and rights in the context of physician-patient speech in the United States. You should reflect on the importance and complexities of a rights framework in international health and funding support as you engage in patient rights conversations this week. Also, think of the of state duties, physician responsibilities, and patient rights and interests in the complex context of physician-patient speech. Whose rights should drive all of these rights-based/driven relationships?References:Atif, M., Javaid, S., Farooqui, M., Sarwar, MR(2016 )Rights and Responsibilities of TuberculosisPatients, and the Global Fund: A QualitativeStudy. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0151321. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0151321
Harrison, B (2015). P hysician-P atient Speech: An Analysis of the State ofP atients’ F irst Amendment Rights to Receive Accurate Medical AdviceCase Western Reserve Law Review,65 ( 3), 795-822. 28From the scenario, analyze the concept of patients’ rights, and ascertain the key concerns of physicians and nurses as they apply to patients with AIDS. Speculate on the major ways in which such overlapping concerns from health professionals may influence legal decisions in patient treatment.
Summarize the overarching connections between patients’ rights and patients’ resulting responsibilities concerning HIV / AIDS. Determine the primary ways in which the professional roles that physicians and nurses play are affected as they treat patients with HIV / AIDS.

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