4 health questions | Nursing School Essays

Write an paragraph for each question. 150 words minimum for each question.
1.MyPlate is a visual guide to the application of the USDA Food Guide. It is based on commonly chosen foods. Our food selections, though, are often influenced by our cultural/ethnic origins. To meet teh needs of diverse populations, additional visual guides have been created.
Go to the website of the USDA-Ethnic/Cultural Food Pyramids and check out eating schemes and guidance from other cultures and countries. Review all listed and then choose one ot take a closer look at. The answer the following questions:
What scheme did you choose and why?
What did you learn from it/about it?
Is it an eating scheme that you could follow? Why or why not?
2.Check out the following websites. All provide information on special nutritional needs for various populations. When you review each website, answer the questions as they pertain to each website.
The DASH Eating Plan dashdiet.org/ Check out each of the ” Health Links” and “DASH Diet Tips” tabs in the upper left corner of the main webpage
American Heart Association www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/GettingHealthy_UCM_001078_SubHomePage.jsp Check out “Getting Healthy – Nutrition Center”. Look at all topics under “Healthy Eating”, “Simple Cooking with Heart”, “Heart – Check MarkCertification”, ” Heart Healthy Recipes” and “Dining Out”.
American Diabetes Association http://www.diabetes.org/ Go to “Food and Fitness” –> “Food” –> then click on “Planning Meals”. Review all information under this section.
What type of nutrition information are you finding in each website? Does the information presented deal solely with heart disease or diabetes or does it cross over to address other health concerns that people face? Does each website serve as a good resource of accurate, easy to follow nutrition information for consumers? What are 3 useful things you learned from each website?
3.Visit the website below from the Partnership for Food Safety Education and click on each of the following words for more information: Clean, Separate, Cook & Chill. List 2 ways you can reduce the risk of foodborne illness for each of these topics.
4.Home Food Safety should be everyone’s top concern!! Click on the website below to learn more! Under “Four Steps” section, click on “view more articles” and then choose 2 topics and review the articles under each. What are the topics you choose and what are some helpful tips you’ve learned to keep you and your family safe from foodborne illness?