1.Explain the principle of conservation , and provide two examples of how a child in the preoperatio

1.Explain the principle of conservation , and provide two examples of how a child in the preoperatio

1.Explain the principle of conservation , and provide two examples of how a child in the preoperational stage might fail to grasp this principle.2.Discuss how culture influences cognitive development, and describe three fundamental skills that allow the ability to learn from others.3.Describe the processes of social behavior, social influence, and social cognition.4.discuss how being social is evolutionary advantageous, and compare our level of sociality with that of other species.5.define aggression, illustrate the frustration-aggression hypothesis with an example, and discuss some biological and cultural factors that contribute to levels of aggression.6.discuss some of the benefits and pitfalls of cooperation, focusing on issues of risk and trust, and describe ways in which cooperation has been scientifically studied.