SNHU Peer Responses Discussion: Mental Illness in Society

SNHU Peer Responses Discussion: Mental Illness in Society

Mental illness attributes to many national tragedies. After reading I Am Adam Lanza’s Mother: A Mom’s Perspective On The Mental Illness Conversation in America, discuss interventions that will ensure the safety of the family and the community.

In your response to peers’ posts, discuss ways to modify the interventions to reduce the intrusion on the individual’s family.



More research into an alternative to the incarceration mental illness individual

In case of mental illness, the situation should be planned with the aid of a professional who has the experienced in dealing with individual with mental illness. The best way to ensure the safety of any family and the community their should be more serious research with the cause of mental illness then the alternative to continue to devoting renounce for prosecution, and incarceration of individual with mental illness, but also we can not ignore the welfare of their victims, so the criminal justice system need to attempt new alternatives to the incarceration of individuals with mental illness there should be more attempt to have a better understanding of this perplexing disorder that we all call mental illness ( Hare,1993).

Because mental illness is a chemical imbalance in the brain when there is either too much , or too little chemicals, that is called neurotransmitters now when you put this together with anxiety will cause chemical in the brain that is responsible for controlling the functions of neurotransmitters to not functions correctly ( Pena,2019).


I loved this article and after reading this article it made me look at things differently every time I watched a mass shooting on the news I always thought that there was something wrong with the killer/shooter and how can they do that. But after reading this article I felt like maybe these people do have a mental illness and they really need help, it is very important for parent to detect these behaviors early in their kids to get them the help that they need. There should be some type of program to help and treat kids with this illness, even though I am against medication theres should be something to help them because it seems like theres a chemical imbalance. There should be therapy, meditation, sports maybe etc.. its like Michael’s mom stated she needs help and more parents that have children with these kind of behaviors they should seek help and I don’t think that incarceration is the right answer for these kids I believe incarceration should be for actual criminals.

Long, L. (2012, December 19). ‘I Am Adam Lanza’s Mother’: A Mom’s Perspective On The Mental Illness Conversation In America. The American Institute of Stress. Retrieved from