see description

see description

n the United States a work is copyrighted as soon as it is created. What constitutes a “work” is a complex subject and is beyond the scope of this topic. Generally, however, it includes written works (e.g., books, articles, etc.), pictures (including original art), and music, among others.

In this discussion question, answer the following:
* Should anyone be allowed to use any picture (or other copyrighted work) without permission and/or compensation from the copyright holder?
* How do you know a work is copyrighted? If it is, how do you get permission to use it?
* What are the ramifications of using a copyrighted work?
* How can you protect your own work so it is protected?
* Identify at least two places / locations / Internet sites that you can find pictures / photos that are either copyright free (i.e., anyone can use them for any reason) or you have rights to use (e.g., use for non-commercial purposes).