Saint Leo University Kohlberg Moral Stage Theory Reflection Paper

Saint Leo University Kohlberg Moral Stage Theory Reflection Paper

All papers should include the following:

It must be one to two pages in length and follow APA format. You are free to state a well-informed personal opinion if based on the readings, personal knowledge, training, or experience. Objectively justify or defend any statements made that are not expressly supported by the text and cite any other resources using the APA style. You must incorporate related information from cited scholarly journal or referenced articles in your Reflection Paper, in addition to the course text. The paper must be 500-750 words

1st paper: If you followed all the laws, would that make you a moral person? Why or why not?

2nd paper: According to Kohlberg’s Moral Stage Theory, there are six stages of moral development. Do you agree with Kohlberg’s model? If so, in what stage would you place yourself and why? If you disagree with Kohlberg’s model, identify the different stages of moral development that you determine to be more relevant. Why should these stages replace Kohlberg’s? Where would you place yourself according to the stages you developed?

3rd paper: You were asked to view a video on Rodney King. Now reflect on what you saw in that video. What do you believe was the reason for Rodney King being beaten? Was the beating a legitimate use of force? If not, should there have been punishment to all the officers involved or only some of the officers involved? Explain.

4th paper: Some laws arguably overlap into morality. For example, laws prohibiting gambling, underage drinking, and prostitution all arguably stem from moral issues. Are these laws effective? Should they even be laws in our society? Or should they just be moral norms?

5th paper: The Casey Anthony case was a well-known homicide case in Florida in which Casey Anthony was accused of killing her young daughter. Casey Anthony was found not guilty. Jury consultants were hired in the defense of Casey Anthony. Reflect on the role of jury consultants in this case. Did they aid in the defendant being found not guilty? If so, do you believe it should be permissible for defendants to hire them?

6th paper: What is your opinion of the death penalty?

If you are in favor of it, imagine that you or someone you love is falsely accused of a crime and is facing the death penalty. Would this change your view? If so, how?

7th paper: Discuss your opinion of the Zimbardo experiment. Why do you believe that the men who took the role as prison guards became overtly authoritarian? Why do you believe the men who took the role of prisoners became emotionally imbalanced? If you were a prison warden, what changes would you make to prevent these types of occurrences from happening?