Purdue University Explain Ethical Codes and Professional Standards of Practice Used in Designing

Purdue University Explain Ethical Codes and Professional Standards of Practice Used in Designing

For your Final Project, you will produce a formal research proposal per APA guidelines (10–15 pages). You will use revisions of the Unit 4 and Unit 7 Assignments as the Introduction and Methods sections, respectively.

The Abstract, which was discussed in the Unit 8 Seminar, will be all new writing for this assignment. It should be a summary of the research proposal that includes the problem statement, the subjects and how they will be sampled, and an overview of the method and procedure. The abstract should be approximately 200 words in length, not much shorter nor much longer. The abstract is NOT the introductory paragraph of the paper: the paper should be able to be read and fully understood without the presence of the abstract.

The Introduction and Method sections are revisions of the Unit 4 and Unit 7 assignments, respectively. You will get some credit for fixing the problems that your instructor explicitly pointed out in your original submission. Your instructor will NOT have marked all the problems in the assignments: you will need to have reviewed all of each assignment and have made corrections to problems not explicitly marked by the instructor to earn full credit for the revisions.

The proposal should contain all of the following sections:

  1. A formal title page (with a title that is descriptive of the proposed research)
  2. Abstract: Make sure to include the following details here:
    1. Problem statement
    2. Subjects and sampling plan
    3. Methods and procedures used
  3. Introduction (a revision of the Unit 4 Assignment): Make sure to include the following components within this section of the paper:
    1. An introduction paragraph with thesis statement
    2. A review of the literature and how the proposed research fits with other research on this subject
    3. A statement of the research problem and why it is important
    4. A statement of the purpose of the research
    5. Your hypothesis (you can have more than one here) and research design including the variables that you will use to assess your hypothesis and why you believe the hypothesis is true
    6. A brief description of how the hypothesis and the research design relates to the problem statement
    7. A summary paragraph tying the section together and restating the thesis statement
  4. Method (a revision of the Unit 7 Assignment) including the following subsections:
    1. Participants or subjects (include your sampling plan here)
    2. Apparatus – any equipment that will be needed
    3. Procedure – include sufficient details to ensure the possibility of replication and make sure to clearly label your research method here as well (for example: a quantitative between subjects matched groups design)
    4. Measures – include at least one independent and dependent measure here and how you will assess the reliability and validity of your measures
    5. Ethical considerations – make sure to state that your subjects were treated in accordance with APA ethical guidelines and briefly outline what steps you took to ensure this in your proposal (ABA students should also include any relevant information from the BACB guidelines for responsible conduct and disciplinary standards documents)
  5. Reference section: Include all relevant citations from both sections (Intro and Method) using APA style guidelines

recommendations for Unit 4 assignment.

Your efforts are appreciated Bobbi-Jo. However, this paper is not in the correct format. Please refer to your assignment directions, and the sample paper. An annotated bibliography was supplied, instead of a blended literature review. You have some good ideas here, but they are lost in the expression of them. This paper was difficult to follow and make sense of due to deficits in sentence construction, and a need for proofreading. Please consider writing in a more formal, clear, concise, and less wordy manner. Please consider using the school writing center. Please consider tightening APA format (Running head: referencing).

recommendations for Unit 7 paper

Your efforts are appreciated Bobbi-Jo. Under Participants: What is your sampling plan? How will you recruit your participants? What will their age range be? How many males? Females? Under Materials: Need to talk about reliability and validity for, CARS; RIM; ASSQ…Under Procedure: What is your research design? Will this study be qualitative or quantitative and why? Under Ethical Concerns: If you are using deception, this is where you talk about how you will approach debriefing…Also needed to mention: Right to withdraw at any time for any reason without penalty. Please see paper for additional comments designed to help you modify this work for Unit 9. Thank you.