Knowing the School System and it’s Options

Knowing the School System and it’s Options

Please respond to both situations with 250 words for each. I have attached resources to help

Consider both of the following situations and respond to discussion board prompts:

Shelby is a 9th grade student with Emotional Disability. She has extreme anxiety in crowds and is prone to angry outbursts when overwhelmed. She has had several suspensions, and is frequently removed from the mainstream classroom due to her disruptive behavior. She has also exhibited school refusal and refusal to attend class once in the school building.

  • Should the team consider a different school placement for Shelby, where there is an ED-based program with therapeutic support from a school psychologist and smaller classes with support?

Bea is a third-grade student. She is reading two grade levels behind and requires a tier 3 reading intervention program. Bea is on grade level in math computation, although she requires support with reading directions and with word problems. She does not have any interfering behaviors, and gets along well with her peers. The reading specialist at Bea’s school has been providing support, but Bea has not been making progress using the methodologies in which the specialist has been trained. Bea would benefit from a different reading intervention. Should the team consider a different school placement for Bea, where other reading programs are used regularly?

  • Should the team consider a different school placement for Bea, where other reading programs are used regularly?
  • Please read and respond to your colleagues’ posts based on your own experiences/knowledge.