Institute of Florida Coaching Across Cultures Discussion

Institute of Florida Coaching Across Cultures Discussion



Discussion: Coaching Across Cultures

Step 1) Consider this: One of the first lessons we learn in coaching and mentoring is that the coachee is in charge, and we must learn to respond to their preferred communication style, problem-solving style, behavioral conventions, etc.

Step 2) Read this article: Rostron, S. S., van Rensburg, M. J., & Sampaio, D. M. (2009). Diversity, culture and gender. In S. S. Rostron (Ed.), Business coaching international: Transforming individuals and organizations (pp. 171-231). London, England: Karnac Books.

Step 3) Answer the following questions below using question and answer (Q&A) format; in other words, include the original question along with your response. Within your post, support your responses with information from the background materials or reputable outside sources, and provide the full citation at the end. Use APA format for your references. Bring in your own personal experiences, readings, and research, where applicable.

  1. What challenges would you anticipate in coaching a person from a different national culture, ethnicity, gender, or race?
  2. What are ways to manage those challenges successfully?

Module 2

Discussion: Ethics and Coaching

Step 1) Consider that ethical dilemmas are called that because there is often not one clear-cut answer for what is right and what is wrong. The coaching relationship is fraught with ethical dilemmas, including:

  • Emotional, behavioral, or personality issues with coachees (such as potential suicides or illegal acts)
  • Emotional, behavioral, or personality issues with the coach (prolonging the coaching arrangement for financial gain)
  • Failure to respect professional boundaries between coach and coachee (possible inappropriate personal involvement or abuse of power)
  • Conflicts of interest among various stakeholders (such as failure to keep confidential information from management)

Step 2) Read about the main ethical considerations governing coaches and coaching relationships in the following book found in the Trident Online Library. The authors propose a model for ethical decision-making in coaching—the ACTION model—specifically designed for people working in leadership coaching. Although written for professional coaches, leaders who coach subordinates in a mentoring role can benefit from using the guidelines in this chapter to shape their own behavior as well.

Passmore, J., & Mortimer, L. (2011). Ethics in coaching. In G. Hernez-Broom, & L. A. Boyce (Eds.), Advancing executive coaching: Setting the course for successful leadership coaching (pp. 205-227). Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.

Step 3) Read this classic article on the ethics of mentoring that specifically addresses ethical issues from the perspective of the imbalance of power between the mentor (or boss) and the subordinate.

Moberg, D. J. & Valasquez, M. (2004) The ethics of mentoring, Business Ethics Quarterly 14(1): 95-122.

Step 4) Below are several ethical situations a coach may have:

  1. Is it ethical to receive a “special” price for services or goods from a client or coachee?
  2. Is it ethical to date a client/coachee’s sister or brother?
  3. Is it ethical to buy a car from a client/coachee who owns the only dealership in the area?
  4. Is it ethical to ask a client/coachee for a ride to the airport?
  5. Are there circumstances where it would be OK to have a sexual relationship with a client/coachee?

When reviewing ethical situations, coaches should consider the following elements within the coaching relationship:

  • How much of a power differential is there between the coach and the other person?
  • Will it be brief contact or will it be continuous or episodic contact over a long time?
  • Has the relationship been permanently terminated, and does the client understand that as well?

Step 5) Select one of the ethical situations from “a” through “e” above.

Step 6) Answer the following questions below using question and answer (Q&A) format; in other words, include the original question along with your response. Within your post, support your responses with information from the background materials or reputable outside sources, and provide the full citation at the end. Use APA format for your references. Bring in your own personal experiences, readings, and research, where applicable.

  • Which ethical situation did you select?
  • In your opinion, would this situation be unethical? Why or why not?
  • How does the element of power factor into your opinion?
  • How does the element of duration factor into your opinion?
  • How does the element of termination factor into your opinion?
  • Are you drawing on any particular ethical framework in formulating your response (for example, the ethical frameworks introduced in ETH501)? If so, identify what that is and cite your source.

Module 3

Discussion: What Can Organizations Do to Build Development into the Job Experience?

Step 1) Consider the following: “Combining development and work makes even more sense if you believe the long-accepted maxim that there is a 70/20/10 formula that applies to leadership development. (That formula suggests that 70% of what you learn about leadership comes from on-the-job experiences. Coaching from your boss and others gives you the next 20% and the final 10% comes from formal classroom development.) While those exact numbers can be debated, most would say it is directionally correct. Why, then, do organizations spend virtually no time trying to gain a higher return from the 70%, a minimal effort on the 20%, and focus most of their resources on the 10%?

Willie Sutton, the bank robber, explained that he robbed banks “because that’s where the money is.” Willie’s statement is humorous, but he makes a valuable point. Applying that primitive logic, it becomes more obvious that you receive a much greater benefit from the time, energy, and effort you spend building development into your job than on the time you spend on anything else. For example, job-related feedback from a 360-degree instrument is a powerful tool to help combine development with work. Like Willie, you should focus your effort directly on the largest payoff at hand.

Step 2) Read the following article: Throw Your Old Plan Away: 6 New Ways to Build Leadership Development into Your Job

Step 3) Answer the following questions below using question and answer (Q&A) format; in other words, include the original question along with your response. Within your post, support your responses with information from the background materials or reputable outside sources and provide the full citation at the end. Use APA format for your references. Bring in your own personal experiences, readings, and research, where applicable.

  1. Do you agree with applying the 70/20/10 formula to leadership development? Why or why not?
  2. What are at least 4 ways organizations can support and reinforce coaching efforts with on-the-job experiences? Be very specific and give examples of where you have seen this happen in your own work experience—or conversely where your professional development was thwarted because the organization did not coordinate coaching and job experiences.

Module 4- to be completed by who ever works the Cases

Discussion: Reflection on the Course; Assessment of the Learning Experience

Throughout this course you have been developing your leadership skills as a mentor/coach. In each module’s Case, you have made a plan, executed it, and evaluated your successes and failures. In this module’s Case, you received feedback from your coachee on the effectiveness of the coaching experience from his or her perspective. Now it is time to review this data and assess your own performance and growth as a coach.

Step 1) Reflect on what you set out to achieve at the beginning of the course and what you actually accomplished by the end of the course. Specifically, review your assignments from Modules 1 to 4, paying particular attention to the pre-planning goals you had for each session, what you learned, and what you would do differently next time.

Step 2) Answer the following 5 main questions below using question and answer (Q&A) format; in other words, include the original question along with your response. The secondary questions in each main question do not need to be itemized; they are meant to provoke thought. If appropriate, support your responses with information from course materials, and provide the full citation at the end. Use APA format for your references. Bring in your own personal experiences, readings, and research, where applicable.

  • Did you achieve your goals within the timeline of this class?
    • What actions did you take that enabled you to achieve your goals?
    • Was the timeline realistic?
    • Did you engage in the appropriate actions to address the goals?
    • Did you complete all of the actions you intended?
  • Were the goals you set appropriate?
    • Could they reasonably be expected to lead to the results you were after?
    • Were they relevant to the coaching you were doing?
    • Were they measurable?
    • Were they achievable?
    • Would you have been better off setting other goals?
  • What new behaviors did you try and how effective were they?
    • Are you asking more questions?
    • Are your questions more relevant? Open ended?
    • Are you using active listening?
    • Are you remaining non-judgmental?
    • Are you avoiding giving advice and letting the coachee do the work?
    • Are you spending adequate time (30-45 minutes) planning the coaching session?
  • What have you learned about coaching and about yourself?
    • Which part of the coaching experience did you most enjoy?
    • Which part of the coaching experience did you most benefit from?
    • What mistakes did you make?
    • What actions on your part most helped you make progress?
    • Did you discuss your progress with a coach or mentor of your own?
    • Did you consciously make improvement a planning goal for each coaching session?
  • What insights you have gained through this reflection?
    • What did I set out to achieve or do?
    • What happened? Why was this the result? Was this what I expected?
    • What difference does this make to my personal leadership effectiveness?
    • What has been the benefit (if any) of engaging in this exercise?