Government & Nonprofit Accounting

Government & Nonprofit Accounting

  • Governmental Organization: In this section of your paper, you will select a local or state governmental organization and research its financial reports. (MASSACHUSETTS) E. Describe the classifications and disclosures of capital assets, including the number and type of debt service funds that the organization has. F. Differentiate between the internal service funds and enterprise funds of the governmental organization.
  • Nonprofit Organization: In this section of your paper, you will select a nonprofit organization and research its financial reporting. (Concord Consortium) E. Explain the funds that the nonprofit organization has, including their purpose and whether or not there are any restrictions to the funds. F. Identify the classifications and the amounts in each of the nonprofit’s net assets and explain the meaning of each classification.

Your paper should be 3–4 pages, double spaced, with one-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, and formatting according to APA guidelines.