G124/ENC1101 Rasmussen Module 6 Healthcare Rights Persuasive Paper

G124/ENC1101 Rasmussen Module 6 Healthcare Rights Persuasive Paper

For this assignment, consider all the feedback you’ve received on your first draft, including from last week’s Online+ session, and submit your 3-4 page persuasive essay based on the following criteria:

  • An introduction paragraph with a thesis statement.
  • Three body paragraphs that each focus on a separate major detail.
  • A summary paragraph that summarizes your main ideas and puts a bow on the essay.
  • Your reference page will list all of your sources in APA style.
  • Additionally, be sure to proof your essay draft carefully for grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
  • Applied revision and editing strategies to strengthen the essay.

Please revise the paper i will attach.