Evolution of Computer Memory & Choosing the Right RAM Paper

Evolution of Computer Memory & Choosing the Right RAM Paper

Task 3 Memory

Computer memory is how the computer stores data and how it functions when turned on. It is stored in bits, the smallest piece of memory, and is either ON or OFF (1 or 0).

Learn about memory.

  1. Watch What is Computer Memory?
  2. Watch The Evolution of Computer Memory
  3. Watch Introduction to Computer Memory Lesson 2
  4. Watch Virtual Memory: 3 What is Virtual Memory?

Investigate how memory works and is allocated and managed.

  1. Watch Lynda.com video How to Use Memory in Comptia http://www.lynda.com/IT-IT-Help-Desk-tutorials/Memory/184173/187572-4.html
  2. Watch Lynda.com video How Memory is Allocated and Managed http://www.lynda.com/Go-tutorials/How-memory-allocated-managed/412378/445006-4.html
  3. Watch Virtual Memory: 4 How Does Virtual Memory Work?

Learn how to choose RAM

  1. Watch How to Choose RAM
  2. Watch Choosing the Right RAM/Memory: Part I Capacity

Determine how much memory the neighbor needs in his computer and explain why.