ENG112 Wilkes Community College Effects of Divorce Annotated Bibliography

ENG112 Wilkes Community College Effects of Divorce Annotated Bibliography

Annotated bibliography

Read the attached assignment, create an annotated bibliography of five credible sources.

Annotated bibliography assignment

Research 10-12 possible sources for your causal analysis essay from the library databases and from other print and online media. Choose five of the best sources. For each one, give an APA-style citation and three clearly marked annotations that:

1. summarize the content of the source in one to two sentences,

2. establish the credentials/credibility of the source, and

3. explain how and where you could use the source in your paper.

Format your annotated bibliography according to the example below and turn it in as a Word document. Note that although the annotated bibliography is intended to help you complete the references page of your causal analysis essay, they may not include all the same sources. The references page of your essay will include only sources that are cited within the paper, with no annotations.

Example annotated citation:

Lemisch, J. (1997). The First Amendment is under attack in cyberspace. In G. Hawisher, & C. Selfe (Eds.), Literacy, Technology, and Society: Confronting the Issues (pp. 278-280). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

1. Summary: This article explains the author’s worry over the erosion of his right to free speech. The author’s claim is: “If this new medium [the Internet] is to be a place of freedom for ideas, all of the classic First Amendment issues must be revisited…” (p. 278). The author includes a specific personal incident when he was censored on a listserv, a general statement of his distrust of the “thugs” who control the content being posted on the Internet, and a rebuttal with quotations from peers who disagree with him.

2. Credibility: The original source for this article is The Chronicle for Higher Education, which, according to the editors of Literacy, Technology, and Society, is “a newspaper widely read by educators in colleges and universities…” (p. 278).

3. Usefulness: I could use this article as the cornerstone for the section of my censorship paper where I address the Internet.