edit or rewrite an essay on food waste has to include 4 sources (3 direct quotes) and one paragraph on opposing viewpoint

edit or rewrite an essay on food waste has to include 4 sources (3 direct quotes) and one paragraph on opposing viewpoint

Assignment: Write a 1,000-word essay (minimum) in which you state and explain a problem, then posit a chief solution or group of related solutions. Your essay will be thesis-driven; that is, you will state and prove an assertion that can be supported by evidence, including statistics, facts, expert opinions, personal interviews, and others. Check out thiswonderful source (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. explaining what evidence is, how to choose what to use in your argument papers, and when it’s best to quote directly versus paraphrase, among other important matters.

How do I organize this thing?

Open your essay, as usual, with a catchy title and opening line; close your introductory paragraph with your stated position (thesis) about the best solution to your chosen problem related to food sustainability. Next, follow this table to help you stay organized:


Spend a couple of body paragraphs minimum laying out the problem: use the 5Ws to provide your audience a sense of what the key issues are. What lead up to the problem? What will or might happen if it’s not resolved?

Sample topics: lack of access to fresh food (food deserts), seafood depletion due to overfishing/by-catch, more people / less land and resources to grow food, school lunch program serves fast/processed food, need for alternatives to factory farms (fake meat; small, sustainable, local farms), inaccurate, unclear, misleading food labeling, effect of climate change on agriculture, SNAP program (& pending budget cuts), food insecurity, hydroponics, organic food options, test-tube meat, local and global food waste (if not your Essay #4 focus), community gardening, etc.

Just make sure you choose a topic that interests you!


Now your body paragraphs will posit one or more solutions, things that need to be done to reverse the problem stated and explained in the first part of your essay. You can begin roughing out solutions by creating a bulleted list after doing some research on your topic.

Sample solutions to problems:

Again, there are quite a few Ted Talks that focus on finding solutions to food sustainability issues (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., but don’t feel you have to limit yourself to one of these.

Refutation and/or concluding paragraph

Here’s your chance to show that you have done your homework/research; that is, that you know about at least one opposing argument to your stated solution/s. Be sure to conclude by either conceding to one minor point made by your opposition, or dismissing/disclaiming your opposition’s opposing statements.

Example refutation and counter argument:

In your essay you argue that the best solution for preventing obesity is to avoid all sweetened beverages; however, you found a website that states that we are not eating more calories than in the 1970s; the ‘real’ problem is that we are more sedentary. You could concede that while there are more gadgets (‘modern conveniences’) that allow us to expend fewer calories doing chores, mowing the lawn, etc., that is not a reason to completely disregard caloric intake, portion size, and the drinking of soda, which contains zero nutrients or fiber.

four sources must be directly cited in the body paragraphs, with a minimum of THREE direct quotations included, roughly one per body paragraph. This is a minimum amount of direct quotations; if the writer has more, that is fine, but make sure s/he is also using her own ideas/glue words to make the argument, not the other way around. If you are confused about what a paragraph’s point is, or you are not sure what its purpose serves, or if there seem to be several points being made, let the writer know. Remind him or her to aim for one main idea per paragraph.

For this final essay, the writer must spend at least one body paragraph addressing an opposing viewpoint. For example, if the problem is childhood obesity and the solution is to eat a big breakfast, the writer must consider at least one opposing viewpoint to this stance–for instance, a big breakfast may lead some to gain weight. Your opposition paragraph may refute entirely an opposing viewpoint OR concede to (accept) all or part of an opposing viewpoint. See more about opposing viewpoints here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Keep in mind that conceding to a point will not make your argument weaker if you handle it in a way that is thoughtful and open-minded. However, don’t make the mistake of agreeing so much with your opposing that you appear to be switching sides.

Here is a rough rough draft (done by the previous tutor but very low quality): you can either

1. use the sources provided and find one new one and edit the essay following the guidelines including adding a body paragraph addressing an opposing viewpoint or

2. create a new essay but it has to be on food waste and include the third source http://time.com/4042559/trash-climate-change-landf… and find 3 more sources yourself

Food Waste Essay

Food waste primarily refers to uneaten food which is discarded or thrown away. Food waste contributes to food loss and thereby is considered to be on the biggest issues that affect food and feeding populations across the world. It is imperative to note that food loss does not only refer to food that is thrown away but also excessive consumption of food since most of the food goes to waste (Stancu, Haugaard, and Lähteenmäki). Food waste thereby leads to loss of food which would be used to serve people who live impoverished lives. Delving into the issue also helps one come up with solutions that would over time help save huge costs that are associated with food waste.

Food waste has been observed to cause huge losses since the food goes to waste and does not benefit anyone. There is also the negative impact that it has on the environment. The topic is thereby of great importance since it may allow individuals to avoid huge costs associated with food waste while at the same time protecting the environment. If these two goals are met, the living standards of people could be improved. If food waste is controlled or reduced, such food could be used to feed some of the starving population from around the world. In many developing countries, there are many households that cannot access food.

Food waste has also been highly linked to contributing to climate change. The modern world is grappling with climate change due to global warming which has been caused by human activities. In the United States, the amount of trash that is being disposed seems to be on the increase with more than 262 million tons of trash being disposed into landfills in 2012 (Worland, 2015). Such an increase is an indication that food waste and other types of waste from our homes are contributing to degradation of the environment in many ways. When food waste is disposed in the landfills across the country, methane, a gas that contributes to greenhouse gases is released into the atmosphere. Methane has a negative impact on the environment and this is evident through increasing climate change in the last decade. If climate change is to be controlled, households must reduce the food waste they produce.

Instead of wasting food, such food that be distributed to these households and this would help improve their welfare, health, and well-being. Food waste can also lead to food shortage across the world (Aschemann-Witzel). This is mainly because food resources are not in plenty and thereby conserving the food that is available can help reduce such shortages from happening in the future. There are several solutions that can be adopted to address the issue of food waste. One of the major solutions is through educating people on the need to avoid food waste. People need to be educated on the need to prepare enough food for their households as excess food leads to wastage.

New technologies also need to be developed on the manner in which people can store food. Such a solution would mean that people would save the food that they prepare in excess and this would eventually lead to reduced food waste in homes across the country. If this goal is achieved, the environment would be more protected and sustainability would be achieved across different societies.


Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica, et al. “Consumer-related food waste: Causes and potential for

Action.” Sustainability 7.6 (2015): 6457-6477.

Stancu, Violeta, Pernille Haugaard, and Liisa Lähteenmäki. “Determinants of consumer food

Waste behavior: Two routes to food waste.” Appetite 96 (2016): 7-17.

Worland, J. (2015, September 22). Trash Climate Change Methane Gas: Retrieved from
