EDGR 506: What Am I Called to Do and Who Am I Called to Be?

EDGR 506: What Am I Called to Do and Who Am I Called to Be?

This assignment is the first in a series of assignments that will result in your final Personal Leadership Statement due in Week 4. This week, you will express an intentional and informed understanding of your leadership values and your calling.

Kleinhans (2005) stated, “If vocation is God’s call, there are too many Christians who expect that call to be difficult to understand. It is not uncommon to hear the assertion that ‘God has a personal plan for my life’” (p. 401). Kleinhans offered a different perspective suggesting that God is already at work in your everyday life. Thus, your calling is found within the scope of what you do, be it a secular job or other.

After reading the article, The Work of a Christian: Vocation in Lutheran Perspective (Kleinhans, 2005), to inform your understanding of calling/vocation, and completing the Individual Core Values Identification (Concordia University – Portland, n.d.-a), write a 2-page paper to address the following:

  • Articulate your core leadership values and your emerging understanding of your calling.
    • It is not required or expected that your concept of calling will be aligned directly with the Lutheran perspective presented in the article. You can incorporate calling in your paper as is appropriate to your life.
  • Articulate what you are called to do and how your calling/vocation and your job are aligned (or not aligned).
  • Include your top five values and examples of how your values are exhibited (or not exhibited) through your leadership at work and in other areas of your life.
  • If you do need to add courage as a new value to bring your espoused values to the level of a value in use, please do so.

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

Click here for information on course rubrics.


Concordia University – Portland. (n.d.-a). Core leadership values identification [Course survey]. Retrieved from http://resources.cu-portland.edu/corevalues/

Kleinhans, K. (2005, Fall). The work of a Christian: Vocation in Lutheran perspective. Word & World, 25(4), 394-402. Retrieved from https://wordandworld.luthersem.edu/content/pdfs/25…