Economics and the debate over tariffs

Economics and the debate over tariffs

Re-read the paragraph about Positive and Normative Analysis in Chapter 1 (around page 14, depending on the book format). Then re-read the feature “Apply the Concept” in Chapter 1 (around page 15) entitled “What Can Economics Contribute to the Debate over Tariffs?”

Post summaries of two different articles that you have read or heard about in the news as follows: 1) summarize a “positive” issue related to tariffs and 2) summarize a “normative” issue related to tariffs. Be sure to clearly identify which is which, and be sure to identify your sources.

After you have summarized the articles, answer these questions: 1) What statistics or data can be used to address the positive issue? Can the positive issue be resolved using the statistics you identified? 2) What statistics or data can be used to address the normative issue? Can the normative issue be resolved using the statistics you identified?

Selected tutored will be provided the e-book. Please provide sources.