DSSG200 Lynn University Poverty Global Challenge Essay

DSSG200 Lynn University Poverty Global Challenge Essay

: 4-5 pages, double-spaced in 12pt font. APA Format.

Identify a key global challenge (linked to our course themes), given our continued reading and discussion, that you would like to explore and lead you toward your final research paper. After providing information on the challenge, you will then provide your stance on the issue and advocate for a means to overcome the global challenge. Please utilize the following theory, symbolic interactionism, to ground your paper (you may also incorporate critical or conflict theory, if applicable). As well, utilize a variety of sources beyond our course texts to help solidify your position on the global challenge. These should include scholarly journals (at least one), newspaper articles, international organizations websites (UN, OECD, World Bank, Grameen Bank, etc) as well as other materials related to the global challenge you have identified.