Discussion Reply WEEK 4-1

Discussion Reply WEEK 4-1



In any organization, leaders play a huge role in creating the culture for the organization.  From my experience, this is, in fact, the case in healthcare. Niinihuhta & Haggman-Laitila (2022) asserted that nurse leaders’ leadership styles affect nurses’ work‐related well‐being. The  study conducted by Niinihuhta & Haggman-Laitila (2022)  pointed out that nurse leaders should be capable of using supportive and relationally focused leadership styles. The leader whom I have  worked with in the past who portrayed a supportive and relationally focused leadership styles was when I was an educator. My boss, at the time, the Director of Education was very supportive in the manner in which he guided the team. His approach to problem solving always stemmed from the goal of reaching a consensus that was beneficial for all involved.  In addition, he was always pushed is to use our critical thinking skills to generate new ideas that would be beneficial for improvement. Duggan et al., (2015) pointed out that an effective organizational culture has a learning orientation that encourages new thinking and adapting to new environmental conditions, rather than just doing what has been done in the past. Consequently, with his leadership styles and encouraging to generate new ideas we were able to motivate the students to become more accountable for their actions, which led to an increase in retention and student   enrollment.

In a study conducted by Yasir & Jan (2022) postulated that servant leadership style can reduce employee negative work outcomes, even in challenging work environments like the health-care sector as nurses play an important role in the performance of a hospital. They asserted that servant leadership style behavior has the ability to positively influence organizational justice perception which leads to the less likelihood of the emergence of nurses’ deviant workplace behavior (Yasir & Jan, 2022).

The owner of the long-term care facility that I am currently employed is truly a servant leader. She has invested in ways that promote employee engagement and positive work environment. Furthermore, through her actions she is committed to stewardship, growth of the employees and building a community.  As a result of her servant leadership style that she has embraced and portrayed throughout the organization, there are many employees who have worked with the organization for over 30 years. She has also portrayed her servant leadership to the surrounding community by building a home for single mothers and giving back to charities.

Niinihuhta & Haggman-Laitila (2022) stated that the effects of leadership styles on work‐related well‐being were reportedly mediated by trust in leader, trust in organization, empowerment, work‐life conflict, relational social capital, emotional exhaustion, affectivity, job satisfaction and motivation.