Discussion Post

Discussion Post

Prepare a five to seven paragraph analysis of a business ethics scandal that has occurred within the past 5-8 years using the CSU Global Library’s access to Lexis-Nexis or other professional and Google Scholar resources. Your example analysis should:

  • Discuss the conditions that gave rise to unethical business strategies and behavior
  • Provide an overview of the social, economic, political, ecological, and technological costs resulting from the company’s business ethics failure.

Discussion Post

Discussion Post


When you wake in the morning, you may reach for your cell phone to reply to a few text or email messages that you missed overnight. On your drive to work, you may stop to refuel your car. Upon your arrival, you might swipe a key card at the door to gain entrance to the facility. And before finally reaching your workstation, you may stop by the cafeteria to purchase a coffee.

From the moment you wake, you are in fact a data-generation machine. Each use of your phone, every transaction you make using a debit or credit card, even your entrance to your place of work, creates data. It begs the question: How much data do you generate each day? Many studies have been conducted on this, and the numbers are staggering: Estimates suggest that nearly 1 million bytes of data are generated every second for every person on earth.

As the volume of data increases, information professionals have looked for ways to use big data—large, complex sets of data that require specialized approaches to use effectively. Big data has the potential for significant rewards—and significant risks—to healthcare. In this Discussion, you will consider these risks and rewards.


FYI: Two out of the three sources must come from the following:


Post a description of at least one potential benefit of using big data as part of a clinical system and explain why. Then, describe at least one potential challenge or risk of using big data as part of a clinical system and explain why. Propose at least one strategy you have experienced, observed, or researched that may effectively mitigate the challenges or risks of using big data you described. Be specific and provide examples.

Discussion Post

Discussion Post

Post a description of experiences or observations about how nurse informaticists and/or data or technology specialists interact with other professionals within your healthcare organization. Suggest at least one strategy on how these interactions might be improved. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain the impact you believe the continued evolution of nursing informatics as a specialty and/or the continued emergence of new technologies might have on professional interactions.


FYI: At least out of 3 of the resources 2 have to be from the following:

Discussion Post

Discussion Post

Week One Discussion Posts

This discussion will focus on how the access and analysis of data can facilitate both problem-solving and knowledge formation. You will reflect on the concepts of informatics and knowledge work as presented in the resources. You will also consider a hypothetical scenario based on your own healthcare practice or organization that would benefit from the collection and analysis of data to gain knowledge. Your scenario will involve an issue or gap that impacts patients, staff, or management. Your scenario needs to focus on a question that you will answer (gain knowledge) with the data you collect. If you choose a patient issue, you need to collect data on many patients. If you choose a staff or management issue, you need to collect data a group of people. The scenario needs to derive knowledge from the process of gathering and analyzing the data collected from groups of people. Select a scenario that will benefit from the future collection of data to gain knowledge, do not focus on past projects or data from one patient  

Here is an example of a scenario:

Due to a rise in 30 day readmissions, a nurse care coordinator has been assigned a panel of CHF patients whose vital signs, weight, and oxygen saturation will be remotely monitored upon discharge to their home. Clinical algorithms will process this data and send alerts to the nurse when the data indicates deterioration in the health status of the patient. This alert triggers the nurse to contact the patient. The nurse thinks it will beneficial to gather this clinical data and other data on the utilization of services (30 days readmissions, ED visits, and clinic visits) to determine the impact of remote monitoring on health status and utilization of healthcare services.     

Discussion Post

Discussion Post

Post an explanation of your choice of a nursing specialty within the program. Describe any difficulties you had (or are having) in making your choice, and the factors that drove/are driving your decision. Identify at least one professional organization affiliated with your chosen specialty and provide details on becoming a member.



INFO NEEDED : MY CHOICE IS Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner, Difficulties Is going back and forth between Family Nurse Practitioner and AGNP due to I felt like I was limiting myself when picking only one group of patients as with Family nurse practitioner I could work with all age groups

Discussion Post

Discussion Post

To Prepare:

  • Reflect on strategies that you can pursue in developing portfolios or portfolio elements that focus on academic achievements.
  • Review one or more samples from your own research of resources focused on portfolio development.

Post an explanation of at least two strategies for including academic activities and accomplishments into your professional development goals. Then, explain how those goals may align with the University’s emphasis on social change. Be specific and provide examples.


Please see additional material for my own personal portfolio development

Discussion Post

Discussion Post

To Prepare:

  • Reflect on strategies that you can pursue in developing portfolios or portfolio elements that focus on academic achievements.
  • Review one or more samples from your own research of resources focused on portfolio development.


Post an explanation of at least two strategies for including academic activities and accomplishments into your professional development goals. Then, explain how those goals may align with the University’s emphasis on social change. Be specific and provide examples.


-See additional Material for my own personal portfolio development