An Expansion of Democracy? America in the Age of Jackson

An Expansion of Democracy? America in the Age of Jackson


1- I need 250-350 words in length to answer the flowing question, about United States history. Make sure to provide evidence, details or citation from the book or other sources. I will provide you with access to the eBook.

Question : Jacksonian Democracy, as it emerged by the 1830s, revolved around the a celebration of the “Common Man.” What did that entail and how did it filter into some of Jackson’s policies? And, what were some of the limitations to that concept?

2- Also, I will need a reply to a classmate answer to a different question, but it’s about the same materials. You can reply with Agree or Disagree, and provide evidence, details or citation from the book or other sources. The reply should be between 150 – 250 words in length. I will text you his answer.

The total for both will be about 400 – 600 words in length.