​Discuss the following concept through advertising concepts

​Discuss the following concept through advertising concepts

Discuss the following concept through advertising concepts

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search engine marketing (SEM) lets you advertise on the world’s largest billboards – search engine results pages (SERPs).

For example, Google Adwords reaches a staggering 80% of global internet users.

Also called keyword advertising or pay-per-click (PPC), SEM allows you to bid on advertising keywords through an auction. Your banner is then placed above the top-ranked search results for those keywords.

You pay only when the viewer clicks your ad.

Screenshot of search engine results page

Also available on Bing, SEM drives results via ad prominence and consumer search habits. Nearly all (98%) searchers chose a business on the first search page. SEM can be a cost-effective way to reach eager eyes and drive immediate traffic.

Some effective applications for SEM include:

  • B2B awareness
  • Niche keywords
  • Product listings
  • Campaign-related support
  • Retargeting

Retargeting Ads

Retargeting ads are a powerful tool for securing conversions. Effectively, they’re the opposite of banner blindness.

Once a site visitor accepts your website cookies, you can track them via a retargeting pixel.

This lets you serve up personalized advertisements across numerous retargeting platforms such as Facebook, Google, or affiliate networks. When combined with triggered messaging, retargeting helps you find the right customer at the right moment.

Research by Wishpond found that the average click-through rate (CTR) for display ads is only 0.07%. However, the average CTR for retargeting ads is 0.7% – 10x the impact.

Use retargeting ads’ precise click-through rates to:

  • Generate impressions
  • Stay top of mind with mid-funnel leads
  • Clinch conversions with ‘window shoppers’
  • Reduce cart abandonment

Learn how to set up retargeting ads for your business in 7 steps.